The Journey Begins

PsyKu, Re-Blog, Solomon Archer PhD

psyku solomon imageThe Journey Begins…

PsyKu: A Work of Forensic Prose


So this is how the next chapter in my life starts.

I’ve been working on this project off and on for about the last 15 years – more off than on, to be truthful – but it’s been present for over a third of my life in some form or another  It started when I was in the clinical psychology program at the University of Texas at Austin. A fellow graduate student named Nina and I would periodically come up with haikus during seminars or those god-awful brown bag lunches we were forced to attend during our first two years of indentured servitude. Nina’s interests were in neuropsychological testing and she would periodically slide me a piece of paper with something like this written on it:

Glial blastoma

sneaks along white matter tracts

a thief in the night

I had no idea what it meant but I smiled because she…

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